Hello World!

Welcome to this online space devoted to helping you learn how to stay safe in the digital world. Whether you’re new to information security or looking to sharpen your skills, this tool has been created to help. This platform offers easy-to-understand resources and fun challenges to teach you about online safety. Join me to learn how to protect yourself and your data in the digital world!

What is Information Security Awareness (ISA)?

Information security awareness is about understanding how to keep yourself safe in the digital world. It involves knowing the potential risks online, like scams and identity theft, and learning how to protect your personal information. This includes things like creating strong passwords, being cautious about what you share online, and staying updated on the latest. By being aware of these risks and knowing how to protect yourself, you can navigate the internet with more confidence.

ISA Training

Here are eight different sub-categories. These have been selected since they are most related to what the everyday Internet user does online. Each category will provide unique information to help you make smarter decisions about security and recognise safe and unsafe content. After you have read through the eight categories, you can test the knowledge you have gained in ISA with a short test. 

This section focuses on understanding how to manage and protect sensitive information responsibly. It involves knowing who has access to what data, adhering to data protection policies and regulations, and securely handling and transmitting information. This includes practices such as encrypting sensitive data, using secure file-sharing methods, and limiting access to confidential information on a need-to-know basis.

This section focuses on the importance of promptly reporting any suspicious activities or security incidents encountered online. It involves understanding the appropriate channels for reporting incidents to the relevant authorities or service providers.

This section focuses on being able to identify fake or malicious websites and knowing when to back out. It includes recognizing signs of suspicious websites, such as misspellings in the URL, unusual domain names, or unfamiliar branding. Additionally, individuals should be wary of websites that request sensitive information or display alarming pop-up messages claiming viruses or security breaches.

This section revolves around maintaining the security of devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets. It involves staying informed about the latest security patches and updates released by device manufacturers and software developers.

This section includes information on how to recognise and respond to potential email threats. It includes being able to identify phishing emails, suspicious attachments, and links to malicious websites. Additionally, it explains how to avoid sharing personal details in emails and verify the authenticity of email senders before responding to requests for information or action.

This section involves understanding the risks associated with connecting to public Wi-Fi networks and taking steps to mitigate those risks. It includes avoiding sensitive transactions or accessing confidential information when connected to unsecured Wi-Fi networks, as they may be susceptible to interception by malicious actors.

This section focuses on understanding the importance of creating strong, unique passwords for each online account. It involves using techniques like passphrase generation, enabling two-factor authentication, and avoiding password reuse.

This section includes information on how to be aware of privacy settings and avoid oversharing, how to stay safe on social media, and how to recognise potential threats.